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licherally commented on Witness the horrors of unmoderated social media

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Well I'm holding you in contempt in court for making a joke that I didn't agree with. I hope you're ready to pay a huge fine, because this is an open and shut case.

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licherally commented on Witness the horrors of unmoderated social media

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That's fundamentally not the same thing, don't be obtuse for the sake of debate points.

Insults and general demeaning comments should not be punished in the court of law. Saying offensive things should not be punished in the court of law.

As I said before, the action/intent is the part that should be punished. Providing private information about someone who you disagree with or want to incur harm upon is an action with malicious intent.

As a leftist, I fail to understand why we always jump to tone policing and purity politics? We can identify the material conditions that cause radicalization and general bigotry and act upon these things, but we always just jump to punishing people for being radical bigots, which only further galvanizes those positions.

We're not making these spaces smaller, we're making them more volatile by doing this. They see these conversations and think "this is why we have to remove leftism, because they will punish us for crimes we have yet to do" and that's precisely what this argument is.

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licherally commented on The 'old American Dream died,' Realtor details salary needed to buy a home, afford a middle class life in 2024

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If you already live in a place that is difficult for you to afford, how are you supposed to be able to afford moving to a different state? You're having trouble paying rent/mortgage, but you're still able to save a few grand to move your whole life across state lines? What about changes in your income due to the change of state?

There are so many more factors than "you make x, this place costs y, so move dipshit."

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licherally commented on industry rules

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Valheim is fantastic, Kenshi is brutal and unforgiving but very fun, outward is similarly difficult and fun, also very unique.

Open world is kind of a huge genre, so I'd even say games like Subnautica, terraria, etc might be up your alley.

Edit: I can't believe I left out no man's sky and hyper light drifter! Highly recommend them both, no man's sky is such a good space life sim and hyper light drifter is kind of like a throwback to the first Zelda game, but obviously updated and with some different intentions to the gameplay/story. Happy gaming!

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licherally commented on Witness the horrors of unmoderated social media

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If they're just saying that, I certainly don't want to be around them but I don't think they should go to prison. If they act upon that, that's entirely different and should be treated as a hate crime.

Also, you just said it. Does context matter to you? What about intention?

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licherally commented on industry rules

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I mean there are good AAA games. From soft still puts out bangers, CD projekt red makes some good stuff (the cyberpunk launch was pretty rough though), larian is pretty good. Most AAA studios are dog shit, but you can still find a few diamonds in the rough.

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licherally commented on You have to be cold and distant

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I ain't never cut an onion I didn't love and that's the gods honest truth

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licherally commented on Witness the horrors of unmoderated social media

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As much as I dislike people spitting hatred at women, LGBTQIA+ folks, and POCs, this is still freedom of speech. You don't have to enjoy it, you don't have to listen to it, and you're certainly free to remove these people from your personally owned spaces. But it doesn't change the fact that people should be allowed to say whatever the fuck they want, otherwise we literally are punishing people for thought crimes and edgy jokes.

People should be judged for their actions, not their words. Words don't actually mean anything without action behind them.

I'm a gay man, and I've definitely given out the occasional f slur pass. Why? Because I honestly think it's funny as fuck when my best friend of 20 years calls me that. He doesn't hate me, he knows and loves my partner like a sibling, and he is my brother. It would be so fucked if he got in some kind of actual trouble for that...

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licherally commented on industry rules

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Yeah for sure, gamers get so fucking sweaty and cringey about people who like different shit. It's annoying. I'll take the heat and just say windwaker is my favorite Zelda game.

If you like platformers, I highly recommend spark the jester 3, it's like a good new sonic game. Also I guess Ghost runner is like a platformer/action game that's supposed to be good? Haven't played it yet but it looks cool.

Anyway I wish you luck in your search for good new games, and I hope you continue to be a chill ass viber

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licherally commented on shopping rule theory

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Fourth option: I filled the cart with groceries, it is now my home.