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jamhandy commented on death of the ruleternet

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jamhandy commented on It's really not a big deal.

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Doesn't Loki being a villain vary from myth to myth? In some he's just mischievous, in others outright malicious. The Ragnarok myth has him leading the armies of the dead, but I've always wondered how modified the story is due to the influence of Christian monks...

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jamhandy commented on The new show

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DougDoug reference?

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jamhandy commented on Have you ever asked yourself why some priceless artifacts from far away places are in your country

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Or, you know, they just agree that the artifacts should just be returned.

Generalising across a while group, let alone a nationality, is just plain dumb

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jamhandy commented on Someone help me make a 'transition metals' joke here...

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Pretty much, the universe is hydrogen, helium, and rounding errors.

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jamhandy commented on Gen Z boys and men more likely than baby boomers to believe feminism harmful, says poll

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I think generalising across the whole group like that is what got us into this mess.

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jamhandy commented on Nikki Haley: Texas has the right to secede from the United States if it wants to

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jamhandy commented on Nikki Haley: Texas has the right to secede from the United States if it wants to

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I think generalising across the whole group like that is what got us into this mess.

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jamhandy commented on Zed - A code editor written in rust by Atom's Developer.

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And by that point this will no doubt be relegated to obscurity, kinda like atom

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jamhandy commented on Android TV version 0.16

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Does the Android TV version have any relation to what the Google Chromecast runs too?