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erranto commented on An American mom, 67, spent her life advocating for Palestinian rights. Then, Hamas came for her.

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Why should a US citizen be given the right to someones else's land. it is a stolen land from the Palestinians. every Israeli citizens is a settler. the were given the freedom to live and buy land that used to belong to its rightful owners, while the last are being caged-in in an open air prison

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erranto commented on History lives in the present

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Britain has planted the seeds of hatred and bloodshed in the middle east and is now acting as if it has no responsibility towards resolving the conflict.

It is hard to watch the British media coverage of this war acting all outraged and surprised by the violence while being proud of their historical imperial inheritance .

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erranto commented on Utah sues TikTok, alleging it lures children into addictive and destructive social media habits

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Local opium is better than Chinese opium.

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erranto commented on An American mom, 67, spent her life advocating for Palestinian rights. Then, Hamas came for her.

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Being a settler in an occupied territory =/= advocating for Palestinians rights.

So much cognitive dissonance in this world making the bad guys now the good guys.

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erranto commented on Europe gives Elon Musk 24 hours to respond about Israel-Hamas war misinformation and violence on X

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As much as I hate disinformation on the internet and witnessed what it can do to people. I am very cautious when governments place themselves as the arbiters of truth. we should fight for the freedom of speech even when it is contrary to our beliefs. disinformation should be fraught against with facts and transparency.

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erranto commented on Israel's siege of Gaza is illegal, EU says

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So was the blockade. and they did nothing about it . bunch of spineless hypocrites

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erranto commented on Hamas says it has taken ‘dozens’ of Israelis hostage

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Pathetic, they even deleted it from the mod log, It was there in the instance's mod log this morning. despite me continuing to receive replies from my deleted comment . This is worse than reddit's shenanigans !

Edit : it's not only my comments which disappeared from the mod log, I remember having read many more comments about this situation on the mod log this morning deleted at the same time as mine. and now they have all disappeared

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erranto commented on Hamas says it has taken ‘dozens’ of Israelis hostage

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but if you’re referring to the immigration of the late 1800s and early 1900s, most of the land was unsettled, there weren’t many people living there at all. As we began to settle the British colony

Are you for real. Fabricating Lies as in "Palestine being an empty land" to justify your's and the British stealing other people Land. you deserve no sympathy or security from me. but I otherwise respect other jews living around who don't agree with settlers claims.

Colonialism must die wherever it is in the world, starting by Israel.

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erranto commented on Hamas says it has taken ‘dozens’ of Israelis hostage

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"our safety is not conditioned on your approval"

For sure You have the world's biggest powers fighting your corner to oppress and genocide week people. the people who own that land are the people you found living there. going back thousands of years to legitimize stealing other people's land doesn't register with people who still have some brain cells. only the religiously brainwashed or heavily propagandized can justify the existence of a theocratic state called Israel

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erranto commented on Hamas says it has taken ‘dozens’ of Israelis hostage

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By they way Lemmy.World mods can eat shit too for deleting comments criticizing Israel. because "please engage in good-faith and respect"