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c0ber commented on Many rulers have made drug dealing punishable by death based on "slippery slope murder". If the logic of that was applied to everything, what's the most peculiar possible implication you can think of?

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i definitely know some people who were born but haven't died

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c0ber commented on Ethan Klein is losing it

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ah yes, cheese puffs, the pinnacle of luxury

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c0ber commented on 16 days, a fire still burns in the mind of the liberal. Ive already forgotten them.

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you can see they put all the time it took to make the response to good use, making sure it was well worded and easily comprehensible

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c0ber commented on An Xbox One translation layer for Windows is in development

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i guess i stand corrected, hopefully this does mean we get this working on pc then

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c0ber commented on An Xbox One translation layer for Windows is in development

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I just hope we can somehow get our hands on the internal emulator Xbox One and Series consoles use for original Xbox and Xbox 360 backwards compatibility

is that better than existing community ones? hell i wouldn't be surprised if it's based on them

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c0ber commented on Peter Molyneux thinks generative AI is the future of games, all but guaranteeing that it won't be

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it doesn't do well most of the things it's shoved in as a buzzword to try and impress shareholders, that doesn't mean it's completely useless

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c0ber commented on Peter Molyneux thinks generative AI is the future of games, all but guaranteeing that it won't be

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ai being used for good may unfortunately have to wait till the destruction of capitalism

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c0ber commented on Capitalist efficiency

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That’s how billboards have worked since like the dawn of civilization

maybe i'm wrong, but i feel like billboards aren't that old

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c0ber commented on Random 9 September 2010

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isn't shooting in the head supposed to make you not come back as a zombie?

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c0ber commented on Anon takes the pink pill

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you'll see gods that don't believe in you