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KurtDunniehue commented on 5e fighters be like

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Not really this post is burying the lede.

A 5e fighter gets another feature called "action surge" which let's them perform another full attack action once per short rest. This means that each time they get another attack, their damage potential for a single round of combat goes up by two attacks. This makes them about the best focus-damage Nova builds.

Well, outside of conjure animals and paladins because WotC fucked up hard with them (but that is getting fixed in the 2024 revision).

edit: Besides I remember the dead levels of 3.5e.

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KurtDunniehue commented on It always boils down to this

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Maybe they did the pipeline, but none of that other stuff.

Either way you haven't actually showed me where you got any of this info.

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KurtDunniehue commented on It always boils down to this

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What I'm hearing is a tonne of supposition without backed up facts and hard reporting.

I would love to see a link to a news story covering the evidence. Otherwise this sounds like a social media consensus built in a speculation-echo-chamber.

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KurtDunniehue commented on It always boils down to this

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She's supporting the Ukrainians tho.

Are you actually saying that they did all this to themselves? That's what the Russian state has been saying without credible proof.

Edit: I'd like to see where you got your info.