
How do ADHDers uphold their privacy?

How do ADHDers uphold their privacy?

Any tips for adapting to adulthood (ADHD)?

Any tips for adapting to adulthood (ADHD)?

I'm a teenager; but I'm worried about my adulthood future because I don't know (reliably) good methods to adapt to my ADHD (and Autism).

I struggle with working on my projects; even when I take ADHD meds (irregularly now), I still struggle with focus. (The result is unsurprising; ADHD meds are usually assistant tools, not a cure.)

<section><header><h2>My worries.</header></h2><ul> <li><details><summary>I'm in (online) school; but I'm uncertain that I'll even pass it.</summary> <p>I realize that school (grades) have unlikely chances to make actual impacts in my life; I theoretically could just get a job that doesn't require a degree.</p>

<b>I am more worried about how my family is going to react to me failing out of senior year; I am uncertain if I would be able to interdependently live from them.</b> (Independent living is impossible.)

(I (,only <i>now</i> unfortunately,) recognize that the GED exists, but I think it is far too late to take advantage of it now.)</details></li>

<li>I am willing to accept that this is how I am going to live for the rest of my life; <b><i>if</i> there are no other good techniques for adaption.</b></li> <li>Everything feels boring.</li> <li><details><summary>I don't feel motivated to find a job.</summary> There are alternatives lifestyles that don't require a job: <a href="">Vagrancy</a>, <a href="">Vandwelling</a>, and <a href="">off-the-grid</a> (are examples).

All of those survival styles seem like a pain though. (I haven't tried actually them.)

</li> </ul></section>

NOTE: I am trying to avoid toxic positivity.

EDIT: <section><h2>My solutional management ideas</h2><ul><li>I think futuristically adopting <a href="">stoic</a> beliefs are not a bad idea; it could help dealing with (future) insecurities that come from ADHD.</section>

How do you deal with impulsiveness?

How do you deal with impulsiveness?

Impulses are difficult for people with ADHD to regulate: sexual impulses (like horniness), desperate impulses, financial impulses, etc.

How do you deal with them?

How do you (easily) respect boundaries?

How do you (easily) respect boundaries?

For me, trying to respect boundaries tires me out more. idk why.

I struggled to respect boundaries as a child and early teenager. I think I still struggle to respect boundaries; but I am uncertain because I haven't talked to an acquaintance in 7 months.

As a child and early teenager; I constantly hit on my female friends. (I don't know why.)

  • I keep looking at people's feet and it tires me. I don't know if I developed a foot fetish; or it's just a habitual behavior that I developed because I hate eye contact.

I know that ignoring boundaries can cause health problems long term.

My reasoning for this behavior:

  • I do get pressured by my parent to go to the store with them because, to me, they're ~40 and may struggle to transport groceries.

  • After 8 years age, I used to be pressured to go to church; but that stopped when I became a teenager.

  • I only hungout with a friend at home once. Usually I only have acquaintances. Maybe I have less experience with friendship.

I think I feel pressured to go along with everything.

Does anyone else use mouse acceleration? I love it.

Does anyone else use mouse acceleration? I love it.

I have been in love with mouse acceleration ever since I discovered RawAccel; it's nice to be able to flick to quickly flick and have slow aim as a gradient.

  • In Team Fortress 2 I can easily adapt to different aim styles; classes have different aim styles, so aim adaptability is useful.

  • In Enter The Gungeon I can quickly peak at enemies and change my aim.

Why is mouse accel still hated?!

Tips for dealing with executive dysfunction?

Tips for dealing with executive dysfunction?

How do I introduce Linux to my mom?

How do I introduce Linux to my mom?

My mom has a business and mostly uses Windows and Mac OS X; I mentioned Linux because it could help save money.

She is unfamiliar with Linux though; I gave her some basic introduction (uncertain if it's any good, but sure), but I would like to be able to ease her into Linux if she prefers it.