Has there ever been a Lib who wandered in here and made actually good arguments or at least tried to actually back up their claims?

I feel like I've actually encountered some Libs IRL and in other online spaces who at least sounded more intelligent. Every one that wanders in here just insists that their right, cites Wikipedia, and tries to troll people like a 14 year old who stole their moms laptop.

You think we'd occasionally get a somewhat more articulate one there but I've yet yo see it.

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the mental gymnastics conservative animals have to do to think this is almost impressive

Can you clarify who you believe are the conservative animals in this situation

This isn't reddit anymore. We're neither libs nor hogs. Please continue dehumanizing people that hold virtually the same opinions to you though.

We’re neither libs nor hogs.

Objection, your honor. I present to you Exhibit A: horsepoo-theory
