Anon takes the pink pill

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Thank you!

Erowid is one of those "old Internet" relics that I'm grateful we still have. Now I need to sit and ponder my nostalgia for no less than 30 minutes.

I was too much of a bookie introvert to have found the good drug websites during that era. Lol. Glad that something remained, though. I just started a neocities site and it's such a blast from the past. I'm having to completely relearn everything, though. My old angel fire was 99% copy and paste and I didn't commit any of the html to memory lol

although idk if there's just not a lot of content for it being a forum or if I'm just really bad at navigating it... the threads always seem abruptly short and I haven't found a good way to browse them but maybe I'm spoiled with modern social media.