India and China agree to work urgently to achieve the withdrawal of troops on their disputed border

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India and China agree to work urgently to achieve the withdrawal of troops on their disputed border

India says it has agreed with China to work urgently to achieve the withdrawal of tens of thousands of troops stationed along their disputed border in a long-running standoff.

India and China agree to work urgently to achieve the withdrawal of troops on their disputed border
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Yes. Look at a globe and then touch the relief textures. Arunachal is part of the Indian continental landmass, which is very very clearly defined by the Himalayas, Hindu Kush, and Arakan mountains


"Touch the map, you will know intuitively know where the borders should be." and other sentiments that sound like they were dreamed up by hopping mad crackers about to reenact the scramble for Africa

So you support the cracker colonization of Africa? Countries are just constructs

Ok but we're talking about countries not geographical regions. You do know there's a difference between the country called India and the Indian subcontinent, right? There are more countries on the subcontinent than just India.

Countries and their borders are political constructs. You are of course free to think that a country should have its border on this or that geographical feature like a river or a mountain range, but reality is often more messy than that.

Geography is just one of many considerations that factor into where borders between two countries ultimately end up, there's all sorts of political factors like history, demography, economic and strategic importance, etc.

That's nice. If a country claims another country's land, then that country will not cooperate with it!

Which is exactly why China only claims it and doesn't hold it. They had occupied all of it way back in the 62 war and would've held on to it if it made sense. At this point, the claim is just a pressure tactic against an India that regularly takes potshots at China to impress US.