Reading clubs check in ... how are we going learning rust with "The Book"?

We've got two parallel streams going here. One is up to chapter 10 on Traits and the other on chapter 5 on Structs & Enums.

  • How are we feeling about Rust the language?
  • Any persistent confusions or difficulties?
  • Favourite features or success stories?
  • How are we finding "The Book" in general?
    • Personally, I think it's good but not great and am definitely reaching out for other learning experiences or materials, lately finding myself going through the Std Lib Docs a bit
    • Andy Balaam's Rust Tutorial Series over on peertube are also good and I recently remembered to watch them as I go

Otherwise ... any thoughts or requests on what else can happen here for those going through "The Book"?

  • I'm thinking of having posts on sets of chapters once the two twitch streams have gotten up to them.
  • So right now, both have gotten through the borrow checker chapter (ch 4).
  • The idea would be to have a reading club happen here too ... to allow written discussion/questions here for those not able to make the streams (or who like/prefer written discussion), but also to provide a retrospective for those who've gone through the streams.
  • Personally, in these discussions I'd post my understanding of the topic, look back on the quizzes to see what tripped me up, or any other practical issues I ran into, and post anything else I may have found that helped me on the topic. Basically to see what I actually learned from that chapter.
  • Thoughts??
  • Another thing I can think of is challenges and exercises. I tried one a while back, but I think it was too much/long, so smaller exercises would probably work better for getting us thinking/coding in rust. AoC has come up and there are plenty of others. Would regular posts from such a thing be welcome or helpful??