I'm done with this shitty fucking website

Jesus fucking christ you guys make the original subreddit look like the fucking red army. I have never met a group of people more contemptible than you online in my life. it's like all of the worst posters from the subreddit teamed up to make the worst forum humanly possible. you have no sense of humor, you can't post for shit, all of your attempts at memes are pathetic. this place is so toxic, none of you guys like anything, the only things you people "like" you like because it pisses other people off. we're running out of left communities online and you just fucked up one of the few ones left. all of the admins are worms. Imagine if the worst mods on reddit were also admins. to the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee chapo chat!

and no, it's not just because the pronoun thing, but that was the last straw. I've hated this lame-ass place for months, but having the last bit of autonomy here (posting in this hellhole without some infantilizing bullshit next to my name) forcibly stripped from me just made me say, fuck this, I deserve better than you monsters. I wanted a continuation on /r/chapotraphouse and this godforsaken place is not like that at all. even compared to it's awful final months it pales in comparison. so seeya, guess I'll have to find another place to post, or actually do something in real life. bye!