WaPo secretely changed a 15 month headline that shited on the covid lab-leak bullshit

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Seeing a lot of the epstein-brained leftists fall for this hook line and sinker.

"Well the evidence shows that it's at least 50% likely"

No sir it's literally the LEAST likely origin :jesse-wtf: everybody knows virology all of sudden

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the lab leak theory basically say that the virus was isolated in nature and then brought to the lab for research? Even if it was true I don't see how that changes anything. It would still be human error involved and not some insidious scheme from China to destroy the world (like why the fuck wouldn't you just release it in the US, EU etc). It sure as shit wouldn't absolve these large countries for their failures to deal with the virus either.

It's bollocks because it's based on extremely thin, circumstantial evidence. Some doctors who worked at the lab had to go to the hospital for flu-like symptoms... and that's about it. I've not seen a shred more evidence than that. Nothing indicating that their medical check up actually brought up a diagnosis consistent with the COVID-19. No comparisons or analysis of safety procedures at the lab (it's simply assumed that they fucked up). How the fuck is this in any way convincing?

And don't kid yourself that acknowledging "human error" is where this shit stops. The imperial propaganda machine is working full-time to manufacture consent for Cold War 2.0 and "they made an honest mistake" will be used a a fig leaf the same way that "I don't hate the Chinese just the CCP" to cover up the raging genocidal boner of Western chuds.