the anarcho-Bidenist left is what Bordiga predicted would be the result of neoliberal "antifascism"

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Against anti-fascism: Amadeo Bordiga’s last interview

The text of the interview was originally published in Storia Contemporanea no. 3, September 1973. Bordiga also spoke to journalists Sergio Zavoli and Edek Osser for a filmed interview, excerpts of which were included in a documentary on the rise of Fascism. Translated by Giovanni Tiso.

Against anti-fascism: Amadeo Bordiga’s last interview

We steadfastly maintained that the real enemy and foremost danger was not Fascism, much less Mussolini the man, but rather the anti-fascism that Fascism – with all of its crimes and infamies – would have created. This anti-fascism would breathe life into that great poisonous monster, a great bloc comprising every form of capitalist exploitation, along with all of its beneficiaries: from the great plutocrats down to the laughable ranks of the half-bourgeois, intellectuals and the laity.

"We need to fight fascism by voting for these two New Jim Crow finance imperialists/prison slavers" read Marx, cancerous radlibs :amber: