Will we achieve global socialism before climate change kills us all?

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Stalin was poisoned, and the USSR was betrayed and destroyed.

Just because one socialist project collapsed (under intense seige of most global super powers) doesnt mean all are doomed to fail, or not worth pursuing.

The chinese socialist project lives and is thriving, its not in an 80s death spiral like the USSR, its actually pulling ahead of america and is now the biggest economy on the planet due to socialist planning; this enables it to keep wages low due to the fact houses are all owned by the workers.

Like in Shenzen, rent is 80% lower than in London on average; if you imagine how that reduces labour costs, when you dont need to pay rent. It increases competitveness. Shenzhen is also a much nicer city than London.

China can also be betrayed and won in a hybrid war. Everything can change for the worse after a while if the enemies and traitors try hard.

The same premises exists for any other country on the planet, its an empty statement.

You could get hit by a car tomorrow, why try at all?

If you start and fail to finish successfully, the result will be bad.

There is no 'finish', it either dies or it lives.

All those houses or railways arent going to go anywhere though lol, better to have an abudance of material assets in control of workers than nothing.

In Ukraine, these houses and railways are being destroyed by military operations.

Assets built by a socialist project and that are being demolished by a capitalist one; sounds like Ukraine needs more socialism!