As a female have you ever actually felt the difference when having intercourse with a penis with a larger than normal circumference?

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It's funny to me because I didn't make the initial comment. I did reply, to offer an opinion, as did another.. however you chose only reply to the one person with "girl" in their name.

Editing to add that I see you did make another comment below, so I'll leave my original comment even though I am now mistaken in my reply!

What’s even funnier is, I replied to the parent comment and you responded to that one… and are now accusing me of only responded to a girl name, when that’s not even remotely the case.

Fuckin red flags every holy shit lmfao. Keep telling people to not use “females” so we can avoid interaction with people like you.

Well you convinced me. There are absolutely incels that when told some women don't like this, they actively choose to defend it at all costs. Fascinating! Keep up the good fight. Show those women who's boss!! Defend your masculinity or the English language or whatever it is you're trying to do

Ah yes. I’m an incel for pointing out that a person accusing me of responding to them actually responded to me first….

Fucking lmfao. Not everyone is an incel because they have a different opinion, and that’s not even what the word is used for.

The amount of feminists parading around their red flags is awesome. But yes, the males are the ones to blame here fucking lmfao…

It's amazing how purposefully obtuse you are. I bet you actually believe the first sentence is an accurate reflection of what's going on. Who the fuck would care about that? Wtf. Lol

Your last sentence shows your cards. I didn't say any of that shit, dude. You literally have no understanding of my position.

You completely failed to understand what others said to you and reacted with hostility so I made fun of you. Then you reacted like a person that feels the need to defend himself against some perceived threat. Get a grip, bro