Lemmy, have you used free software to design your dream home?

This is just for messing around to see in digital form the house that I dream of in my head. Is there a truly free one that does a decent job?

I've played with it in Sims 3 but I was wondering if there was something more realistic out there. Bonus if it's something where I could generate a noob file that a pro architect could use to base a real design on.

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Almost nobody designs new houses from scratch. Seems a lil like setting yourself up for failure

Thanks for the suggestion. I like creating things so it just seems like a fun activity to me, even if there may already be premade blueprints out there.

I enjoy designing houseplans for fun, I'll never be able to afford to build my own, so I just have fun making up house plan ideas. It's my weird little bit of fun at home.