All of humanity should be forced to live in a single building, contained in cells 7 by 10 feet in size, all food should be nutrient rich goo delivered by pipe, nobody should be allowed to leave but me

I call it the ethical panopticon of human sensory deprivation and it takes up the same amount of space as all the parking lots in Los Angeles. The EPoHSD recycles the human waste through an on site reclamation center to be reused as food. Yes we can make humanity eat its own shit for an eternity. It’s powered by a nuclear reactor that can be used to blow up the entirety of EPoHSD should anyone attempt to leave. On the rooftop of this building there is a public mini golf course for me and my homies as well as an antifaircraft gun in order to shoot down any capitalist pig invasion forces that attempt at destroying my valid attempt at communism. In the middle of the night we launch black site raids on unsuspecting villages and towns to abduct the bourgeoisie resistors to place in the EPoHSD. Once they die the cells will be filled through a cloning programs, I will be the only human contact for the billions inside of EPoHSD, they will not be alienated from their labor because their labor run through the pipes, and by labor I mean poop. Communism is when you eat your own poop.