Bad news regarding AlphaRatio [partially back up on 2024-02-06, see post for update]

More lost keys..

From a reddit post:

Just seen this on IRC:

"the TLDR is basically: Best case, site comes back up we continue and change things in the backend, okay case, site is down for a little bit while we rebuild backend with likely a new domain, and worst case we close out and refugee you all elsewhere (we might still do this last part too hook up the community even if we are working on the backend"

ETA: IRC admin wrote "I'm currently trying to set up a place where refugees can go to"

ETA2: As far as I understand, someone went away and I quote "without the return of (this person), AR's continued existence is up in the air, we are attempting to work on solutions but he unfortunately seemed to hold more keys to the castle than we were fully aware."

2024-02-06 update:

Hey AR Community,

It's been a stressfull few days.

We are diligently working in the background to try to avoid issues like the last few days going forward. We are also working to establish a more robust backend that doesn't depend on any single point of people failure.

Keep an eye out for changes and thanks for sticking with us as we get over the bumpy road ahead. Yes we know certain things are not working, we are working on it.

Most of all and above all else, I want to thank our community and our committed members. The out pouring of love has been incredible. The amount of love shown by everyone in this turbulent time has been eye opening to say the least.


AR Staff

See all comments

FOr anyone else reading this while slightly inebrinated, note: AR = AlphaRadio (a private tracker). Nothing happening to the Arr tools.

Everyone else, pardon my and my whiskey.

I was just wondering WTF piracy had to do with augmented reality.

I was thinking of Augmented Reality and was very confused

It's joever for the Augmented Reality community, the main lords have lost their keys and now the treasure is forever sealed 😔

I was thinking of Assault Rifles and was wondering whether the US is now going full auto in the buildings.

I was thinking of pirates that are very brief when they say Arrrrrrr

Now I'm thinking of Scooby Doo.

Sorry, edited the title to not be abbreviated!

Huh, hasn't updated for me yet

"it works on my machine"!

IT Admin: Have you tried restarting your system?

Quick, I need to restart all of Lemmy for a sec