This is the way

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I think it's also partially about taking something that can be associated with ... rednecks/middle America/conservatives I guess, and using it as a vehicle to try to reset people's initial reactions against stuff that would be in their interest (unions for example). It doesn't seem like it's a concerted effort to actually reach that group, so right now it's leftist memes for leftists but the potential for puncturing someone's insular bubble Via familiar substrate for the message has interesting potential!

Puncturing someone's insular bubble via a familiar substrate is exactly what I'm trying to achieve with Nascar memes. Thanks for puttng that into words. My main goal is to make memes leftists can share with their redneck/ middle america coworkwrs who are extremely disenfranchised by the corporate world and dont know where to direct their angst.

As a man who grew up with one foot firmly planted in yeehaw and the other in yuppie, I think this is brilliant!