Is there a proper way to use several DE's on one distro or is it not advised?

I have read many conflicting things, like always. Just wondering if there's a safe way to use several DE's on one distro without messing up my damn computer lol I've tried it several times and it always messed things up. I'm currently brand new to fedora workstation 38 too btw. Thanks alot

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Thanks, I tried that with deepin on fedora and it was a mess. Maybe it's just that particular environment causing issues.

What dm are you using and what packages did you install?

As far as I know on my main account I'm running xorg but the separate account with deepin does not specify. I think default is Wayland

I tried installing several times per different guides. I'll do my best to remember

Sudo dnf install "deepin desktop"

Sudo dnf install @deepin-desktop-environment

Sudo dnf group install "deepin desktop"

Probably one more I can't remember

If you want DEEPIN:

Update your system: sudo dnf upgrade --refresh

Install it: sudo dnf group install "Deepin Desktop"

And then after for change reboot your system You can do it from the terminal like: sudo reboot

If you want GNOME try: sudo dnf group install “GNOME Desktop Environment”

Although if: sudo dnf group list hidden -v |grep -i gnome returns nothing it won't work

If your using gdm you can select DEs like:

It might be you don't have the group for deepin so it wouldn't be useless to try grepping for it.