We need a guillotine emoji.

Sign the petition on change.org for a guillotine emoji.

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I did a search to find the original article, first from Business Insider, then from her LinkedIn share.

Definitely not the gender nor race -- or even age range -- that I anticipated the person being.
I totally assumed white guy around 60 years old, not Imani Ellis being it looks like about 32 years old

As far as I can tell, it looks like her companies, CultureCon and Creative Collective NYC, don't seem to be massive or rolling in the big bucks like finance and banking (rudimentary search result here), but nonetheless, to even be ABLE to take 30 days off work, spend the money on a flight -- and hotels!!! -- for 30 days in an incredibly expensive place overseas, that's still flaunting money that most of us would have spent on food or rent.


Wait, you guys have money??