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Wow what a fucking hack job.

It states there is, in fact, a guaranteed standard of living. Moreover China has a guaranteed residence for every citizen. If that out of work rural worker wants the minimum income and a roof over his head, all he has to do is go back home (using heavily subsidised transport). Which sucks, but losing a job and having to move back to your hometown isn't exactly something unheard of in Western nations.

China has a way to go in terms of healthcare and other benefits, but given it's providing a better safety net to vastly more people over a larger area with 1/4th of the USA's GDP and an industrial base that is still largely rural it's doing an astounding job.

guaranteed standard of living

For people under the poverty line, which is only $2.30 a day. So their "standard of living" is $840 a year to get by on. Even in China that's not fucking sustainable.

China has a way to go in terms of healthcare and other benefits

So you're saying you're cool with Chinese farmers not being able to afford going to the hospital because Supreme Leader Xi forced them to grow the cheapest crops imaginable?

If that out of work rural worker wants the minimum income and a roof over his head, all he has to do is go back home

Lol. Lmao even. "Losing your job and abandoning your home because of authoritarian regulations is ok'

Even in China that's not fucking sustainable.

Post a source. There are many places in China where you can buy a meal for less than an American quarter

You can even buy breakfast with 40 cents in BEIJING

Over here in the west, we have the freedom to starve. So glad we don't have an authoritarian dictator tyrant forcing us to have food

” The Center for Strategic and International Studies CSIS lists major funding from defense contractors such as Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, General Dynamics, Raytheon Company and General Atomics.[35]

Significant funding has come from the governments of the United States, Japan, Taiwan, and the United Arab Emirates.[36]”


What's your point? State funding = facts and numbers are irrelevant?

Do you believe that the United States and its allies have a geopolitical agenda or not? Do you think they are incapable of lying to further that agenda? Are you familiar with the lead up to the Iraq War?

"Acktually tankie, Don't you realise I think US bad too?

Anyway, now to return to my angry rant against China where I uncritically parrot US state department sources."

Libs: "I love critical thinking and debate."

Leftists: "Okay, here's why your sources might be biased."

Libs: "Noooo, not critical of my wholesome weapons manufacturers and fascist governments like that!: