Reddit : Redditor :: Lemmy : Lemon

just sayin🤷🏽‍♂️ got any other ideas?

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I like Lemmings. It’s easy to remember and rolls off the tongue.

Me too. It’s a little pejorative though

Are you referring to a definition of it? “a person who unthinkingly joins a mass movement, especially a headlong rush to destruction.” Had to search that up to see why it was a bit pejorative.

Yeah, if you aren't aware it comes from a myth about the arctic creatures, lemmings. In 1958, Disney created a nature documentary that included misinformation claiming that lemmings would run in large groups and if one ran off a cliff, the rest would also join them in running off a cliff. This mass suicide was shown on screen. The reality, in fact, was that Disney had intentionally stunned the poor creatures by spinning them around until they were dizzy enough to fall off the cliff.

ಠ,_」ಠ why tho

We will reclaim our honor! Our names shall be tarnished no longer!

couldn't disney just, throw dolls off or something