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Lesser known parts of Python standard library

Lesser known parts of Python standard library

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Lesser known parts of Python standard library – Trickster Dev

Code level discussion of web scraping, gray hat automation, growth hacking and bounty hunting

Any advice on picking a Python language server for emacs?

Any advice on picking a Python language server for emacs?

Hi, folks!

I'd like to set up my emacs with lsp-mode and lsp-ui, but I am finding myself in some analysis paralysis. Ruling out the Palantir language server because it's deprecated and because it's Palantir, that still leaves me with five language server recommendations from lsp-mode.

Anybody have any opinions they'd like to share? Any really bad experiences I should avoid? How do I configure your favorite? (Feel free to assume I know very little about configuring emacs.)

If it makes a difference, I am a poetry user and a religious mypy --strict user.

Thanks in advance!

Confused about multiplying floating-point & integer values

Confused about multiplying floating-point & integer values

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ELI5 Using python virtual environment in docker container.

ELI5 Using python virtual environment in docker container.

I read some articles about using a virtual environment in Docker. Their argument are that the purpose of virtualization in Docker is to introduce isolation and limit conflicts with system packages etc.

However, aren't Docker and Python-based images (e.g., python:*) already doing the same thing?

Can someone eli5 this whole thing?

Why I Still Use Python Virtual Environments in Docker

Why I Still Use Python Virtual Environments in Docker

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Why I Still Use Python Virtual Environments in Docker

Whenever I publish something about my Python Docker workflows, I invariably get challenged about whether it makes sense to use virtual environments in Docker containers. As always, it’s a trade-off, and I err on the side of standards and predictability.

The Design & Implementation of the CPython Virtual Machine

The Design & Implementation of the CPython Virtual Machine

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The Design & Implementation of the CPython Virtual Machine

A deep dive into CPython's bytecode instruction format and execution engine internals

500 Python Interpreters

500 Python Interpreters

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Attention Required! | Cloudflare

A post by Guido van Rossum removed for violating Python community guidelines

A post by Guido van Rossum removed for violating Python community guidelines

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Should we consider Ranked Choice voting for SC elections?

Speaking for myself: Summary I propose changing our Steering Council election process from simple approval voting to a ranked choice system to better capture voter preferences and provide more meaningful feedback to candidates. I want your input to know if this is worth pursuing. Background Our PEP-13 voting method has remained unchanged since late 2019. While functional, the simple approval voting system has limitations we should address. Current Limitations No Preference Expression: Voter...

CircuitPython: Python for microcontrollers, simplified

CircuitPython: Python for microcontrollers, simplified

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CircuitPython: Python for microcontrollers, simplified []

Layman's Guide to Python Built-in Functions · Matt Layman

Layman's Guide to Python Built-in Functions · Matt Layman

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Layman's Guide to Python Built-in Functions · Matt Layman

This is a plain language guide to every built-in function in Python, paired with a simple example that shows each function in action.