LoseIt: Lose the Fat


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Check-in (of sorts)

Check-in (of sorts)

feel free to add your story / check in in the comments below

Weight has been stagnant for the last week or so. The immediate connection is of course that I stopped tracking calories for various reasons. I have sticked to general recommendations of my dietician with regards to portion control and I credit this with the fact that I did not gain weight.

Today I had to take care of a sick child at home, so now (~8pm) I am really tired, but still I think I can pat my back for eating 3 moderate meals (breakfast was 60g of oat flakes with yoghurt, for lunch Austrian cheese with full-grain bread I baked today, dinner was Pizza (!), with crust prepared from 100g of flour and mushroom topping).

I am a bit in this weird situation that I need to strengthen my back as past yoyo dieting has somewhat atrophied the muscles of the core, while I also should lose weight now as a lot of things in life are now in a place where I think sustainable weight loss is now a possibility.

So I am working out for a healthy mind (and to hopefully prevent further losing of muscle) while at the same time I am a bit worried of hurting myself in the process / messing up regeneration at a deficit.****

Almost to 260

Making steady progress thanks to hiking. I go about 5 miles with a 800ft elevation gain 6 days a week. I will admit it is tough, but it seems to be working. The first month was rough, but July yielded better results. Yesterday was wild since I suddenly dropped 2lbs.

I know there is a pattern to the seemingly random drops, but I love the surprises.

De-Lurk: what's your story?

De-Lurk: what's your story?

Hello to my friends who are winning at losing!

So what's your story?

Are you just starting? Are you in the middle of your journey? Are you taking a pause? Are you in the final rounds? Have you been keeping it off for a while?

Is this strictly a fat loss effort or are you working on fitness too? Any other self-improvement things going on right now?

Are you doing this just with behavioral modification? Are you being assisted with some of the latest medications or surgeries available to us now?

Let's get to know each other!

What fruit?

I am a picky eater, have been a picky eater all my life. I managed during my late teenage years and early twenties to acquire a taste for vegetables (and I am grateful that I did), but fruits (apple, grape, etc) are still a problem for me.

I have identified however, that I like

  • Mango
  • oranges
  • lemons

Now I wonder what fruit I could "try" next. Preferably I would not start with Apples and Bananas (as a kid it was constantly suggested I should eat apple/bananas that I don't have the best memories in this regard, I think these will be tougher fruits to start with).

Why am I asking this? Ultimately I want to balance out my diet more and potentially get into a position where I can opt for fruit over chocolate if I want to have something sweet.

Just for today

This was passed out at my TOPS meeting ...

Just for Today

Just for today - I will stay on my diet.
Just for today - I will write down everything I eat.
Just for today - I will count calories and measure my food.
Just for today - I will busy myself during my difficult times.
Just for today - I will take the time to think about what I do before I do it.
Just for today - I will be in control of the emotions that send me into the kitchen time and time again, searching for something that isn't there.
Just for today - I will act like the intelligent person that I am, realizing that I am not perfect and that I can fail without the world coming to an end.
AND IF I FAIL?. . . . .
Well, just for today I will pickup the pieces and try again.

TOPS NEWS, June 1981

Hope it helps someone... if even just for today.

★OFFICIAL WEEKLY★ Q&A Thread July 30-August 5, 2023

★OFFICIAL WEEKLY★ Q&A Thread July 30-August 5, 2023

Got a question? We've got answers!

Do you have question but don't want to make a whole post? That's fine. Ask right here! What is on your mind? Everyone is welcome to ask questions or provide answers. No question is too minor or small.

Include your stats if appropriate/relevant

Don't forget to comment and interact with other posters here, let's keep the good vibes going!

How I stretched a Voila!-brand skillet meal and improved its nutrition at the same time.

How I stretched a Voila!-brand skillet meal and improved its nutrition at the same time.

We enjoy the Voila! Three Cheese Chicken from Birds Eye $6.49 But we add our own additional frozen vegetables (plain, 1 pound, Italian blend) and cubed boneless skinless chicken (marinated for a day, then cooked and cubed) to make it come out to about $2.25 per serving (4) and about 300 Calories.

For $2.50 in the added ingredients, double the yield and improves the carbs, sodium, and protein. The calories are virtually identical.

The 21 ounce Birds-Eye package says that it serves three, but in practice we find that it serves two. Add your own generic frozen veggies and cubed cooked chicken and you serve four.

How American Food Has Changed Over the Last 50 Years

How American Food Has Changed Over the Last 50 Years

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How American Food Has Changed Over the Last 50 Years


Prompted by food shortages, author Ruth Reichl considers the changes in what we eat, where it comes from and how it gets to us over the last 50 years.

How American Food Has Changed Over the Last 50 Years
[SV] >4kg lost

Scale victory: 4kg lost. I am pretty happy, also I actually didn't get to swim in the last few days and the last times the scale dropped, it was after a >1000kcal workout or so.

My main method of weight loss is calorie counting, but I am also working with a registered dietician on learning again to feel my satiety

★OFFICIAL WEEKLY★ Q&A Thread July 23-29, 2023

★OFFICIAL WEEKLY★ Q&A Thread July 23-29, 2023

Got a question? We've got answers!

Do you have question but don't want to make a whole post? That's fine. Ask right here! What is on your mind? Everyone is welcome to ask questions or provide answers. No question is too minor or small.

Include your stats if appropriate/relevant

Don't forget to comment and interact with other posters here, let's keep the good vibes going!