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I promoted this sub over at /r/republican. Told them about the rules. I don't care if they ban me, so I figure that I'd try to give this place a boost.

I promoted this sub over at /r/republican. Told them about the rules. I don't care if they ban me, so I figure that I'd try to give this place a boost.

Let's watch the subscribers and see if it worked. Lemmy is pretty hit and miss right now.

Just found this community. I'm glad it exists.

Just found this community. I'm glad it exists.

I'm not a Republican anymore. My political beliefs haven't changed that much, but the party did a lot.

I'm for small government. And I'm personally socially conservative but don't think the government should be involved in mandating morality except for when it involves harm to others (murder, theft, fraud, etc).

Policy wise, I think the GOP should be more about actual small government than just being about 10-20 years behind leftist policies (see social security or health care mandates)

Here's my question though. Can the GOP be saved? Can it be restored to actual fiscally conservative values?

Technological Determinism--the philosophy that the technological development of a society determines the most effective economic system to meet the needs of society.

Technological Determinism--the philosophy that the technological development of a society determines the most effective economic system to meet the needs of society.

It would argue that the technology of industrialization that brought Capitalism was not an accident. Capitalism was the natural outcome of the times. It would also argue that to try to force socialism onto the same society would be inefficient and essentially unnatural.

Technological deterministic thought sees technology as the driving force of social, economic, political, and even artistic change. In it's weak form, it is undeniably true--technology effects the form that society and economy take. In it's stronger form, it would claim that, barring enormous effort, Capitalism was the inevitable outcome of the technological development of the time.

It also explains why high automation and AI, that can do all or most of the work that humans do, will make Capitalism impossible.

Technology makes new jobs only until it also takes all those jobs. After that, wealth is no longer distributed through a Capitalist system and something else will emerge. Must emerge.

I'm a lefty and I came here expecting a shitshow, but instead I found a respectable, and these days, ballsy sidebar.

I'm a lefty and I came here expecting a shitshow, but instead I found a respectable, and these days, ballsy sidebar.

I know there are still people within the GOP who have not been caught up in the ugly direction that it has gone. It is actually very good to find evidence of their existence.

I would love to see an honorable, democracy embracing, non-discriminating branch of the GOP rise up become popular. In fact, half the Democratic party would probably be more aligned with the GOP. Yet, the GOP looked to the extreme right, bigots, racists, and even fascists to expand their voter base. This is not only wrong, but unsustainable.

Anyway, the only voice in this community right now is this “technological determinist”, social democrat. Statistically, one in a hundred members actually comment. I’m actually rooting for you guys to become an active community and until then, it looks like I’m your spokesman. Hehe.