Explain Like I'm Five


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ELI5: What in the hell did Trump tap into that is almost causing a second civil war in america?

ELI5: What in the hell did Trump tap into that is almost causing a second civil war in america?

ELI5: What prompted Ukraine now just to invade Russia could they not have done it a while back?

ELI5: What prompted Ukraine now just to invade Russia could they not have done it a while back?

Why my nose gets runny when I cry

Why my nose gets runny when I cry

Pretty much every time I cry, my nose gets super runny and my throat gets slimy. Why is that?

Impedance, floating

What's the difference between impedance and when a pin on a microchip is floating?

I get the basics of impedance. I'm capacitive impedance it's a build up of charge. Like air in a balloon. In resistive impedance it's a build up of the magnetic field, like a flywheel.

A floating pin isn't connected to anything reference voltage so it can fluctuate with surrounding interference or whatever.

Why do some ICs have tri state, low, high, and high impedance? Isn't high impedance the same thing as floating?

If it is high impedance that means it had to be connected to something, right? Don't Some kind of big capacitor or inductor in the chip?

Power Networks in the USA

Power Networks in the USA

I know that the US has three or four major electricity networks (East, West, Texas, Hawaii) but I dont understand how they are they are regulated or operated.

In many countries there are generators who produce power, retailers who sell power to retail customers and network operators who 'move' power between generators and consumers either through high voltage or local transmission lines but these roles are separate and you pay a separate fee for the connection/transmission vs the power you buy. Retailers pay to 'move' power from where its produced to where their customers are.

The transmission companies in most cases regulated natural monopolies. Retailers and producers can be the same company.

How does it work in the United States? Does one company own everything in some areas? Do you usually have a choice of energy retailer?

How can there be functioning bathrooms in high rises?

How can there be functioning bathrooms in high rises?

It seems like such a huge amount of water and would require so much energy to get it that high, plus there's the waste to deal with

If the IBM PC used an ARM (or related) CPU instead of the Intel 8088, would smartphones ultimately have sucked less?

If the IBM PC used an ARM (or related) CPU instead of the Intel 8088, would smartphones ultimately have sucked less?

Developers still continue to shaft anyone that isn't using an IBM PC compatible. But if the IBM PC was more closely related to the latest Nexus/Pixel device, then would the gaming experience on smartphones be any good?

Why is gaming so dependent on IBM PC compatible hardware now?

Why is gaming so dependent on IBM PC compatible hardware now?

Ultra-low-end business laptops from 2015 with a mobile Intel Core i3, 4 GB of RAM, and integrated graphics still have a dramatically better gaming experience than the Pixel 7 Pro. Why?

By the way, this is even with the help of emulators. Without emulators, gaming would outright be impossible for most people

Why do certain brands of smart TV's exclude specific apps. For instance if you have an LG TV you cannot add the MLB app

Why do certain brands of smart TV's exclude specific apps. For instance if you have an LG TV you cannot add the MLB app