Dark Days Ahead Discussion


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Changelog for 2023-07-11 to 2023-07-17

Changelog for 2023-07-11 to 2023-07-17

Changelog for 2023-07-11 to 2023-07-17

These are the new changes over the past week, collated by yours truly with this hacky script :P

(Split the changelog into multiple parts because it’s over the 10k character limit)
Part 2 (comment)


  • #66847 - Add more link ups
    by GuardianDll
    Summary: "More tools can be connected to grid directly"
  • #66334 - Player character now can get sick with common cold or flu only after contacts with sick NPCs or ferals
    by Night-Pryanik
    Summary: "Player character now can get sick with common cold or flu only after contacts with NPCs or ferals"
  • #65549 - Apply different messages per intensity level
    by Maleclypse
    Summary: "Apply different messages at different intensity levels"


  • #66704 - Added some additional labels on graves.
    by Daved27hundred
    Summary: "Graves may have ruder writing on them"
  • #65702 - New monster: Colossal Zombullfrog, and zombie frogs no longer fear fire/pain.
    by Nebnis
    Summary: "Added new zombullfrog evolution and removed their fear of fire and pain"
  • #66676 - Arabic Armaments and book, More Graded Steel
    by MorvarchPrincess
    Summary: "Adds a new arabic armaments book that has some new and old stuff. moving multiple other things to graded steel."
  • #66808 - More large building and up above start locations
    by ashGlaw
    Summary: "More large building and up above start locations"
  • #66672 - Implement all-wooden fermenting vat (see #65632).
    by db47h
    Summary: "Add an all-wooden fermenting vat"
  • #66909 - Add tactical_grenade_pouch spawn to Military Warehouse
    by DonOfSandiego
    Summary: "Added the MOLLE Hand Grenade Pouch to the Military Base warehouse"
  • #66887 - Zombie Harvest Snippets
    by sadenar
    Summary: "Zombie Dissection/Butchering Snippets"
  • #66849 - Add some splintmail additions: Splint mail greaves and vambraces
    by MorvarchPrincess
    Summary: "Added Splintmail Greaves and Vambraces"



  • #66856 - Some brain bionics cannot be removed
    by anoobindisguise
    Summary: "you can't uninstall bio_int_enhancer or bio_memory"
  • #66842 - Clear character succession cooldown when PC is badly wounded
    by RenechCDDA
    Summary: "Being badly wounded will always allow you to swap characters in camp while you heal"
  • #66911 - put f_nuclear_fuel_cell in the microlab reactor
    by anoobindisguise
    Summary: "microlab reactor has nuclear fuel cells instead of asrgs"
  • #66910 - make arbitrarily undodgeable attacks dodgeable
    by anoobindisguise
    Summary: "certain previously non dodgeable attacks can be dodged"
  • #66836 - Titanium skeletal bracing provides some bash armor
    by anoobindisguise
    Summary: "titanium skeletal bracing provides bash armor"
  • #66834 - Adjust the way Intelligence affects focus (multiplier instead of flat bonus)
    by anoobindisguise
    Summary: "intelligence provides a multiplier to current focus rather than adding to its value"


  • #66828 - Fix #66712
    by MNG-cataclysm
    Summary: "Add missing dialogue to tell Rubik about the Hub."
  • #66814 - No more civilian de-aging
    by Karol1223
    Summary: "Prevents civilians from evolving into zombie children"
  • #66807 - Fixed bug where 'w'ield can pick up NPC items without triggering warning
    by fyhannes
    Summary: "'w'ield menu will now correctly trigger a steal warning when wielding an item that does not belong to player"
  • #66852 - Add Aluminum Bat To Practice Recipe
    by BarndoBoi
    Summary: "Adds the aluminum bat to beginner bash practice"
  • #66833 - Fix fix_time
    by anoobindisguise
    Summary: "fix issue where fault fixes use the wrong time to fix"
  • #66888 - Give the FN SCAR its attachment points back
    by carmakazi
    Summary: "Give the FN SCAR its attachment points back"
  • #66912 - remove damage malus from sig 553
    by anoobindisguise
    Summary: "sig 553 doesn't have a flat damage modifier"
  • #66903 - Fix z-level shadows drawn on unseen tiles
    by Rewryte
    Summary: "Fix z-level shadows drawn on unseen tiles"
  • #66899 - Fix grenade manhacks
    by Hirmuolio
    Summary: "Fix grenade manhacks"
  • #66884 - Fix molotov
    by Hirmuolio
    Summary: "Fix molotov"
  • #66877 - Fix pathfinding around vehicles
    by ehughsbaird
    Summary: "Fix pathfinding around vehicles"
  • #66870 - Allow crafting tools to use linked electricity
    by Kamayana
    Summary: "Allow crafting tools to use linked electricity"
  • #66971 - Itemgroups can seal their containers
    by mqrause
    Summary: "Itemgroups can seal containers"
  • #66967 - Don't get randomly sick anymore
    by Night-Pryanik
    Summary: "Don't get randomly sick anymore"


  • #66894 - Fix Nested List lag in crafting menu
    by lispcoc
    Summary: "Fix Nested List lag in crafting menu"


  • #66292 - Carrier for items on ground is nullptr
    by Hirmuolio
    Summary: "Carrier for items on ground is nullptr"


  • #66793 - NPC selects martial arts
    by lispcoc
    Summary: "NPC selects melee style"
Bug in version bf5848d, possibly narrowed it down to Magiclysm

Bug in version bf5848d, possibly narrowed it down to Magiclysm

Not sure if I should do it here but found a crashing bug - version bf5848d

Problem : Game crashes to desktop when killing a boomer in melee combat

Method: Melee boomer to death with Mirror Displacement

Possible Reason: Mirror Displacement attempts to trigger when boomer death explosion happens as I have seen mirror displacement dodge boomer spit, so I assume that it trying to dodge the boomer splash and causing game to crash as it is not captured by normal game error handling.

I tried letting it fall in a crater, bleed out from distance, shooting it - work as intended

Tried to convert Firehouse Garden to a Greenhouse and left with disappointment

Tried to convert Firehouse Garden to a Greenhouse and left with disappointment

I don't know if this is a me problem or a current game limitation

Converted the privacy fence to a brick wall, doors to metal doors, roofing I was having difficult with and resorted to building Small Metal Support to place roofing as the option to roof was not showing when I was trying to place it between a corner to get the "Must be supported on at least two sides" annotation with supports in place and without - probably not fully understanding how roofing works, but the sky light frames didn't give me any issues.

Completed the roofing to my knowledge, placed a large heater and it was not heating the room.

I am not sure if I haven't placed the roofing correctly, there is currently limitation with game in regards to building extensions or some reason I am not aware of

Ice Lab question

I recently completed a visit to an ice lab with the temperature going as low as -88°C and what I assumed to be the staircase to the final floor seemed to be a trap as when I went up to leave the floor, it was into and past a puddle of water. Which I could dive into. I assume this has to do with limitation in the water code. It was a room with another pulped human corpse in a containment room. If I didn't have probability travel I would have been in a pickle and joined the poor sap.

I am not sure if it is a bug, intended or I missed the proper staircase

And while writing this how is there only one corpse in that isolation room and how was it pulped. I can only assume the facility had catastrophic temperature failure as the person was in not in appropriate gear and a little further on has cells with captured experiment victims?

It could all just be coding things that I am being pendantic over. So please take it as me personally trying to figure out a story to a situation

I could provide pictures later, or a save but is an older version of experimental.

The save will be a problem as it is too big for me to reasonably upload with my current data limitations ( 606 Mb)

The world name is Corrigan, default world settings

Lab co-ordinates 0'136, 0'20

Mods Load Order:

Dark Days Ahead,

Disable NPC needs, Portal Storms Ignore NPC, No Fungal Growth,

Bionic Professions, Blaze Industries, XEDRA Evolved,

Translate Complex Dialogue, Bombastic Perks,

Game Version: 4f70c47

Updated: Any staircase down to the final level and trying to get up again seems to lead to this quantum tunnel trap.

Xedra evolved vampire feedback

Xedra evolved vampire feedback

Apologizes if there is a more general thread, and if there is I can move it there

So my vampire experience is not with the latest experimental version, but I hope that my feedback can be helpful in some ways

I caught the vampirism in the early-middle stage of winter from an sketchy old age retirement village - which I felt a bit miffed at being forced to accept vampirism until I geared up, did some lab raids and grew some garlic for the treatment. Nothing major, just inconvienced and just drew my characters own blood for sustenance until the stages got worse and it forced me to work something new out.

I know it isn't necessary but I felt another source of mercury not in labs would be nice, although I am probably not knowledgable enough to know those places, garlic can be scavanged and/or found so that is alright unless like me didn't anticipated it and had to wait a while to get enough garlic, silver can be found well enough from scavenged jewelery and blood, well I made my own head canon and expand on that later

I know it is easier said than done, but it would be nice if NPC followers that trust you enough would allow you draw blood from them like once a week. It could be a context sensitive dialogue option if they trust you enough and you could draw blood, a survival camp work issue to ask for a blood drive in camp ( which is probably more complicated than it seems) or have an action via fangs to draw blood ala blood thrall.

I got a bit annoyed at the need to feed my blood lust and feed normal food for my character as I tend to be a "Very focused on one thing at a time" type of person and tried to use blood as food but ended up getting parasites, so I resorted to pulping a feral out in the wide and dumping its corpse into a freezer to keep it fresh ( and so it doesnt despawn).

When I needed blood would dump the corpse of the floor, blood draw kit a couple of pints, use the blood infusion magic to get my fill and dump the corpse back in the freezer for next meal.

I understand that it isn't near close to finished as I was looking at the JSON to see if the treatment reduced my vampirism, maybe some more feedback when taking a treatment could help with it - "you feel like an incredible burning sensation as the blood running through your feels like acid, but you feel the blood lust slowly waning" at stage 3 with potentially health or damage applied randomly, "Your blood burns, but you feel the hunger weaken" at stage 2 and at stage 1 "You feel great discomfort as the treatment runs through your veins, but the hunger feels like a faint calling"

I do not wish to sound negative and want to say that the buffs are good and saved me a couple of times and allowed me to fight things that frog mothers in sewers with melee without fear. I guess it feels rough around the edges, I didn't feel like a vampire more like souped-up-blood-crack fiend.

Perhaps my vision of vampirism is romantised with ideas of Dracula and not getting all the cliche' is what is putting me out of place.

Anyway, I enjoyed it while I had it and journey to work for cure was eventful. I hope that it improves and thank you for your hard work

Hi, I found it at last

Hi, I found it at last

I have been pretty active when I have the ability to on another cdda instance, since the reddit black out and missed this site's move here.

Finally somewhere where I can check on the updates and pass my peasant opinions on things

Firstly to all the contributors and developers, thank you for a great game that does have its tedium but exploratory content, lore and world building is great and that does make up for a lot of it.

And as I play the game notice that there are lots of things via quests and factions that can help off shoot a lot of the micro required to survive and if I survive long enough the tools are there to focus more on projects that grab my attention than clicking to survive