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What is your favorite thing to pickle?

What is your favorite thing to pickle?

I put some asparagus in vinegar with garlic, red pepper flakes, and pickling spice a couple weeks ago. I just cracked it open, and they're fantastic!

I also started a batch of sauerkraut today with garlic and caraway seeds in a brine. Gonna keep an eye on it and hope it comes out alright. I like that it's a live fermentation, and will hopefully be full of good probiotics.

What's your favorite thing to pickle, and in what?

Looking for a Pork Adobo Recipe

Looking for a Pork Adobo Recipe

I have made chicken adobo (with coconut milk) many times with very good results. This last week, I tried the following recipe for pork adobo:

And I was not very pleased with it. I thought it would be a slam dunk, but it just disappointed me.

Does anyone know of a good pork adobo recipe they can point me to?

Autolyse and stand mixers.

Autolyse and stand mixers.

I have a recipe that calls for a dough to be autolysed (long bulk ferment while stretching and folding the dough). I'm fortunate to have access to a stand mixer. Is their any advantage to doing the autolyse? Should I just kneed it in the mixer to save time?

Mom of 9 installs a professional salad bar in her kitchen: 'I am a little extra'

Mom of 9 installs a professional salad bar in her kitchen: 'I am a little extra'

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Mom of 9 installs a professional salad bar in her kitchen: 'I am a little extra'

“Kids eat with their eyes.”

Mom of 9 installs a professional salad bar in her kitchen: 'I am a little extra'
[QUESTION] Chilli crisp, but for herbs?

[QUESTION] Chilli crisp, but for herbs?

Presumably either a terrible idea or already a thing, not sure which.

I'm thinking crispy-fried-aromatics-in-oil, Mediterranean edition. Garlic, eschalots (aka scallions), thyme/rosemary/etc, vast quantity of parsley, peppercorns, lemon zest, fine-diced rye sourdough.

Jar of that in the fridge, use it like chilli crisp but for white-people food.

Is this a thing? Should it be a thing?

Fried chicken help?

Fried chicken help?

Hey, I’m trying to make fried chicken. I MUST today, for the sake of my future confidence and the joy of my day TODAY. I want to use chicken breast, thighs are too fatty for me.

How? I’m looking up recipes but they all seem so disingenuous. I know that sounds stupid, but I thought maybe asking real people would give me a better chance.

Chicken breast, buttermilk. Those are the only ingredients I feel like I must use. Anyone have any advice on the fried chicken? I’ve got regular canola oil, olive oil, extra virgin, and I’m waiting to visit the grocery store. I was about to go but I just don’t feel confident. Please, anyone have a list of ingredients worth using together?

Focaccia fail - TIL fresh garlic kills yeast

Focaccia fail - TIL fresh garlic kills yeast

Mochi with Mayocoba Sweet Bean Paste

Mochi with Mayocoba Sweet Bean Paste

Welp, I am pleasently surprised. Other than my legs hurting like mad, it really wasn't that difficult to make.

Unfortunately, the past two months my taste has been extremely erratic, so I can't say how this tastes, other than very beany (but I do know it should taste just fine. I've made gorditas with this same sweet bean paste for at least two years now. Tested with the wife, though, and the cinnamon I added is what is the strongest flavor).

As for the mayocoba beans, they were the best for making sweet paste that I could reliably find around our little city.

As for the recipe. Meh, there's nothing really to write down. I have never been a heavy sugar eater, and these health issues have made eating lots of sugar a bloody pain in the arse. So I added just enough sugar...(maybe, as I really can't taste the sugar right now. So I guessed, HAH!). A wee bit of cinnamon, and a pinch of salt.

Now, as for the mochi, I did follow a recipe I found on youtube. (

12 oz. Water
8 oz. Sweet rice flour
4 oz. Sugar

mixed the mochi in a skillet, let it soak for a bit and rolled the sweet bean paste into balls, fried on medium heat, then low heat, then placed onto a pile of cornstarch, and went from there.

It really didn't stay as hot as I was afraid it was going to be. The bean paste could have used a light freeze/chill, or drying as most of it was too sticky to form the mochi. Plus, I should have made a slightly larger batch, as I tried to thin the mochi up which tore on several of them. Meh, live and learn.

I wish I could taste them to their fullest, but meh, it's my fault for trusting a doctor, HAH!

Just adding this an hour later to show how bloody erratic my taste is. Now the bean flavor is extremely faint and the sugar is very very strong. Now it's almost sickly sweet, 🙄, and I know I didn't add that much sugar to the bean paste.