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Your prayers have been answered, next up: childless airline

Your prayers have been answered, next up: childless airline

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Making couple friends in your 30s when child free?

Making couple friends in your 30s when child free?

How do people in relationships make friends when you choose to be child free? Every other couple we know is having kids and I don’t care to come over to hang out when your kids are running around screaming. Getting lonely in our 30s

I actually don't know how to cross-post but this meme belongs here

I actually don't know how to cross-post but this meme belongs here

Should pubs and restaurants be kid-free zones? (The Guardian)

Should pubs and restaurants be kid-free zones? (The Guardian)

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Fuck Some Parents

Fuck Some Parents

Like holy fuck do you not hear your kid screaming? Do you not have consideration for other fucking people? Or are you just so fucking useless you have zero ability to parent your child? I'm assuming the latter.

Fuck people.

I'm chilling in a hotel hottub, and there's a kid in the pool just screaming, fucking just screaming on and off at the top of their lungs, the sound just echoing off all the tile, it's fucking horrible, holy fuck.

Ughh, just really needed to vent that. Thank you. And fucking thank god they just left.

Fuck I'm greatful I don't have kids.


New group of kids started floating around the hot tub bumping into me 😑 Asked them to stop, and then had to speak to their parents about it.

My experience and learning about my childfree decision over 35 years

My experience and learning about my childfree decision over 35 years

Hi folks, I thought I'd create some content and share some experience and learning around any concerns I had about being childfree in my first 10 years after my tubal. I hope this can help those that are at this stage now.

I will say that 35 years after my tubal, I realized in retrospect, somewhere during that time, that I knew in my teens I didn't want kids. I did go through a period, soon after my tubal at 24, of about 10 years where a lot of my friends tried to pressure me into either spending a ton of time with their kids or even adopt, where I wondered if I really wanted kids cuz I liked babies under 6 months of age. It wasn't until I got close to someone and her newborn, where I spent plenty of time with her kid over the next 3 years and she was TOTALLY accepting of my decision and NEVER pushed an agenda. I finally realized I truly lost interest in the kid after about 6 months of age and knew I wasn't interested, not because I was pushing back against acquaintances who were pushing their own agenda in opposition to mine, but because I JUST LOST INTEREST. It took a good, secure in their parenthood, friend to let me understand there was zero interest on my part.

As it turns out what I like about babies was the oxytocin hit from carrying them around, which I learned I could get from cats and small dogs, of which I have 2 now, and they stay small forever instead of just 6 months!

Hello my peeps

Hello my peeps

Been on Lemmy for a month or so and just found you guys. SO happy we have a Lemmy instance!!

“Good doctors” list?

“Good doctors” list?

Is there some federated way to re-create the childfree-friendly doctor list that the subreddit had, on here? Not that I need it anymore myself—I was snipped ages ago—but that was a resource that helped a lot of people.

What's a book everyone considering going child free should read?

What's a book everyone considering going child free should read?

Handy guide to places not to eat in the UK over the summer...

Handy guide to places not to eat in the UK over the summer...