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NaNoWriMo and AI Clash

NaNoWriMo and AI Clash

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NaNoWriMo and AI Clash

The organization that runs National Novel Writing Month, a November challenge to write 50,000 words, said "the categorical condemnation of Artificial Intelligence has classist and ableist undertones."

NaNoWriMo and AI Clash
Why “Lord of the Rings” feels real and “Narnia” doesn’t

Why “Lord of the Rings” feels real and “Narnia” doesn’t

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Why “Lord of the Rings” feels real and “Narnia” doesn’t

Despite the friendship between J.R.R. Tolkien & C.S. Lewis, their worlds of “Middle-Earth” and “Narnia” feel quite different. This video essay examines the role allegory plays in making Aslan’s...

The Affirmation by Christopher Priest Book Review

The Affirmation by Christopher Priest Book Review

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I'm discovering BookWyrme, questionning how it is compatible to my readers journey. Wanna talk about it?

I'm discovering BookWyrme, questionning how it is compatible to my readers journey. Wanna talk about it?

I've never use a book reading tracker before. But I made a few weeks ago a BookWyrme account.
BookWyrme is the fediverse book reading tracker and I'm marking books I've read when I remember them. Often, I need to add them to my instance as I've mainly read in French and many books needs to be manually added or imported before completing missing information.

This made made think about my journey as a reader. I've read lot older books in english or at least old enough to have more than one french translation. Would I love them with another translator or another translation? Would I enjoy reading them in english now? Would the langage difference be too much? Have a change too much as person?

I've read comics in paper format, volume by volume but I read them now online, chapter by chapter. How should I should I add them? Should I add both forms?

Which field are missing in BookWyrme to add information that are pertinent to me? What are its limitation? What are the workaround these limitations?

I looking for people to discuss these subjects.
Are you interested?

I don't want to write such big post again and make giant conversations but to publish smaller post on semi-regular basis and hear a bit of feedback.

Is this the right place? Do you know a more fitting community?

Protesting the Decline of Reading

Protesting the Decline of Reading

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Protesting the Decline of Reading

College Students Are Reading Less Than Ever, Same with Adolescents, Same with All of Us. What’s Going On?

Protesting the Decline of Reading
Bookish Diversions: Do Audiobooks Count?

Bookish Diversions: Do Audiobooks Count?

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Bookish Diversions: Do Audiobooks Count?

A Tale of Two Devices, Task Stacking, But Is It Really Reading? Plus: The Cigar Rollers’ Pastime

Bookish Diversions: Do Audiobooks Count?
After the fall of Small Press Distribution, is it time for “Bandcamp for Small Presses?”

After the fall of Small Press Distribution, is it time for “Bandcamp for Small Presses?”

cross-posted from:

[Dear Friends, before I post this somewhere, probably Medium, in the hopes of getting as many eyeballs as possible to look at this, would you be so kind as to look this over and offer some constructive criticism before I post it? And is there some way that the folks on BookWyrm have the option to see this?]

This is a hastily written, very brief, not particularly well-thought out response to the sudden disappearance of Small Press Distribution by one of the many people who relied on them to get their books before the eyes of the public. If you’re reading this, I suspect you probably already know about about what happened to SPD, and so in the interest of time, I’ll skip the background which can be read about on SPD’s Wikipedia page, and in the following Lithub article. I’ve thought it appropriate to post this on Medium, which is the same site where an employee of SPD first blew the whistle on some of their more unsavory practices several years ago.

As a user and fan of Bandcamp, I’ve often wondered if the same sort of business model, with some obvious and extensive modifications, might not also be a viable model for small presses or booksellers in general. Bandcamp is a site and platform where musicians can sell their music, whether in digital or physical form, and be fairly remunerated for their work (as opposed to sites like Spotify). Here, musicians’ songs can be listened to, in whole or in part, and then purchased digitally as DRM-Free mp3 or flac files. Bands can also sell physical media such as vinyl, CDs, cassettes, T-shirts, and all sorts of other merchandise while also having an opportunity to have more interaction with their fans.

I use Bandcamp to keep up with bands that I listen to by signing up for their mailing lists and for buying digital media; I have admittedly not yet purchased any physical media from anyone, and I get the idea that this is a site that is predominately dedicated to selling digital media.

Switching to this model would require, at least in part, a bit of a “paradigm shift,” for lack of a better term, that many publishers will potentially not like. As a reader, I am perfectly content to read high-quality ebooks, provided that they are one of the vanishingly small number in PDF or epub format that are not encumbered by digital rights management (DRM), but I realize that in this screen-oriented age of ours that many readers prefer to read books the old fashioned way, on paper. To my mind, this would not dispense with books as physical media; on the contrary I feel that books should be able to exist side by side with digital versions (and the reason they haven’t so far in the way that music and movies have been able to transcend their physical media to a degree is because too many people bought into the Amazon kindle ebook ecosystem of poorly-formatted, DRM-encumbered, and prone to disappearing ebooks, but that’s a whole other rant). Skipping over print on demand (POD), which as a publisher I have really had a less than spectacular experience with due to quality control issues, for which providers such as Ingram/Lightning Source already exists, I wonder if publishers might consider making their books available digitally on Presscamp as either PDFs, epubs, or whatever other format readers prefer, while having a limited print run of offset-printed books sell beside them as a sort of deluxe format, in the same way that I might have an entire hard drive full of music files, but sitting next to it a cabinet full of vinyl LPs for the albums I hold to be among my most favorite. Traditional offset print runs can be excessively expensive and prone to being left to sit around unsold, but if a smaller number were printed, the most ardent fans of those particular authors or presses would be alerted to their publication and sold to them, but when the physical media has been sold out (barring reprintings or reissuings), the work will still remain available to purchase and read. I realize that there will probably be a lot of objections to this way of doing things, and rightly so, but this is simply one possibility that I’ve considered that I thought make sense to other presses in the same boat.

Barring the investment of a suddenly-appearing, kindly, and free-spending millionaire, a setup like this would require some kind of crowdfunding to get off the ground, servers to host the ebooks, and warehouses to store the physical media (I actually don’t know if Bandcamp warehouses their artists’ physical media or if they themselves are responsible for sending them out). And some kind and honest folks to administer all this! In the same way that musicians give away their music as a means of advertsing for their live shows, ebooks could be provided, in whole or in part, as an advertisement and incentive to buy a physical copy (or perhaps even as an advertisment for an author reading, but that might be stretching things a bit . . .)

Putting something together like this is honestly far beyond my competence, ability, and resources; I’m simply writing this in the hopes of putting a bug in someone’s ear who has a higher degree of the aforementioned qualities not to mention the time (ha!), to assemble something like this. If this sounds like a good idea to anyone at all, please take it and run with it! The demise of SPD can be a blessing in disguise if we can get our act together and move on to something better!

[Ok, you made it all the way to the end, so tell me what you think!]

State of things and some upcoming downtime

State of things and some upcoming downtime

Heya, I'm still here. Still working on things in the background and been quite busy. Right now the instance server needs some updates and the pictures backend is a little wonky. Gonna take the instance down for a bit presumably sometime tomorrow for some (hopefully) quick spring cleaning.

How do you follow your favorite authors ?

How do you follow your favorite authors ?

As almost every readers, I have some favorite authors from which I like to read everything they publish. But I wonder how I can efficiently "follow" their publication. Do you know about a service (free, at least as in free beer, at best from the foss world)which can offer such syndication? I'm thinking about a personalized rss feed, or a e-mail, or any way. For the moment, I just look from time to time to their website or social media page but the issues I have are:

  • I look when I think about it (it would be better to be somehow notified)
  • It's time consuming and inefficient
What should I read to introduce myself to english poetry?

What should I read to introduce myself to english poetry?

I'm French native speaker. I believe I can speak fluent English but I know want to discover English poetry. Where should I start ?